
Written Resources and Records

These archived documents include a wide variety of Myles Brand’s written works, such as articles written for publication, speeches he gave at public appearances, and even an excerpt from one of his books. Here you will also find related articles that feature Brand’s quotes and works as well as transcripts from his podcasts and interviews he gave over the years.

All document materials are available to download and use for educational purposes.


“BackTalk; In Athletics, Level Field Must Begin in Classroom,” The New York Times

May 9, 2004

“Where Credit Is Due,” Washington Post

September 28, 2004

“The Myths of College Sports: Debunking the Four Great Commonly Held Misperceptions About Intercollegiate Athletics,” NCAA State of the Association delivered at 2005 NCAA Convention

January 8, 2005

“Show Colleges the Money; University Sports in Need of Some Commercialism,” Chicago Tribune

April 6, 2005

“Putting the ‘Student’ Back into Student Athlete,” Black Issues in Higher Education, 22:4, pp. 28-30, by Kendra Hamilton

April 7, 2005

“NBA Plan Closes Door to College for Some,” Indianapolis Star

July 3, 2005

“NCAA Takes High Road with Ban of Offensive Mascots,” USA Today

August 11, 2005

“The Business of College Sports,” The Commonwealth, 99:16, pp. 15-18

August 15, 2005

“The Role and Value of Intercollegiate Athletics in Universities,” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 33:1, pp. 9-20

January 1, 2006

“Myles Brand,” Views from the Presidency: Leadership in Higher Education, pp. 56-85, Francis L. Lawrence

January 1, 2006